ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – part 3b

In part 3a, we explained how ADFS can be used in cross-forest migrations to ensure all users (migrated or not) can still authenticate. In part 3B we will be looking at Pass-Through authentication and how it affects migrated/non-migrated users. First of all, we need to make sure we have pass-through authentication agents deployed. In my […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – part 3a

To continue our coverage of ADMT and AAD, part three of the series. I know I promised 3 articles, but given the amount of data, I’ll split part 3 (authentication) in a few more posts.. We have 1 AAD and 2 AD’s; FORESTOOT.local as the source and TARGET.local is still the target AD forest. There […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – new series

My posts on the ImmutableID seem to continue attraction from all over the world, and thus, let’s continue the fun. In a new series of posts we will be looking at the influence of the ImmutableID and Cross-Forest Anchor (name given by me, not sure if it is the actual name for it) in an […]

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Azure Stack Development Kit – Custom AD

(Not supported by Microsoft alert!) Azure Stack uses Active Directory technologies for identity management and authentication. By default, Azure Stack has 2 modes in can operate in. It can be used in a AAD mode utilizing Azure Active Directory for identity permission assignment as well as federated authentication or it can be setup in the […]

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AAD Pass-Through Authentication – SSO without ADFS

There are multiple options for authenticating users against Azure AD. But until now, full support for SSO based logins was only possible using two options. Azure AD joined devices, or a local ADFS service to your on-premises Active Directory. The latter being the most used option it also had its problems, first of all you […]

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Selective password synchronization with AAD-Connect

In my previous post, I talked about the possibility of using Kerberos Constraint Delegation to avoid having passwords in AAD. However, sometime you want to have a few passwords in AAD-Domain Services to ensure that administrators can still login to the VM’s interactively (RDP) or users are able to use certain services that are not published with Kerberos or aren’t web services.

In this post we will look at editing the configuration of AAD-Connect to synchronize the passwords* of users that have an attribute in AD present so that some users (like administrators) will be able to login to VM’s joined to AAD-DS using their on-premises passwords.

* see note below

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – ADConnect

The good thing about new software is that bugs and ‘features’ are removed.. the bad is that sometimes what ever you have blogged about makes either no sense, or even worse it only applies half to it from that point on.

So as AADSync was replaced by AD Connect, I got emails about the configuration of the mD-DS-ConsistencyGuid configuration in AD Connect not correctly working anymore. So, in order to relieve me from those email (you can still send them no worries) but more to make everyone aware of how this works in AD Connect (tested version; part two of the mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid as the immutable ID.

[update 21-Aug-2017: The latest version of Azure AD Connect have the functionality built-in to select the ImmutableID. There is no need to hack the rules manually anymore.. read more about it at: http://blog.azureinfra.com/2017/08/21/immutableid-ms-ds-consistencyguid-adconnect-final-part/]

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ADFS on Azure

Azure Active Directory and thus any relying party on that service (such as Office 365) has two different modes for (your) custom domains that are added to it. Managed and Federated. Managed means that the authentication happens against the Azure Active Directory. The password (-hashes) of the user accounts are in Azure AD and no connection to any (on-premises) Active Directory Domain is made.

Managed domains have the advantage that you don’t require any additional infrastructure, and setting up the identities for logging on to Office 365 for example, is fairly easy. However, it does not support any Single-Sign-On which most companies do want. That is why AAD also supports Federated domains, in this case the authentication for a user happens against the corporate (on-premises) Active Directory through a service called ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services). More information on federated versus managed can be found on the Kloud blog (https://blog.kloud.com.au/2013/06/05/office-365-to-federate-or-not-to-federate-that-is-the-question/)

In this article we are going to take a look at how the federation service can be hosted in Azure (and possibly also on-premises) and what the architectures might look like.

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Pass the Hash

When you create a new forest or new domain, you use the Domain Admin credentials. Through the use of the “Administrator” account you can control each and every workstation and server. You can install Exchange, System Center products and much much more. But Microsoft is probably thinking twice now about the framework they have chosen wherein the Administrator is master of your infrastructure.

As the Administrator account is so powerful, it’s a sweet spot for hackers, the target to get. And that’s probably why many people rename the administrator account to Guest (and vice versa) or something else. Many others keep the Administrator name but change the password to a very long one including special characters, but even that seems futile, by the discovery of an advanced hacking technique called Pass The Hash.

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Mitigating attacks on your Active Directory network

Microsoft released a new whitepaper this week that gives an insight in why you should protect your privileged accounts. One of the techniques described is the PassTheHash attack which is a sophisticated attack but fairly easy to execute. These attacks have been seen in the “field” and are being used today. If you work with […]

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