
F5 Big-IP & AAD & KCD

The title being full of acronyms, this topic is about publishing Kerberos based websites behind an F5 load balancer, while using Azure AD as the authenticating service. Or in more technical terms, F5 will rely on an external SAML based token to perform Kerberos Constraint Delegation towards a backend server. Get settled in, this is […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – part 3b

In part 3a, we explained how ADFS can be used in cross-forest migrations to ensure all users (migrated or not) can still authenticate. In part 3B we will be looking at Pass-Through authentication and how it affects migrated/non-migrated users. First of all, we need to make sure we have pass-through authentication agents deployed. In my […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – part 3a

To continue our coverage of ADMT and AAD, part three of the series. I know I promised 3 articles, but given the amount of data, I’ll split part 3 (authentication) in a few more posts.. We have 1 AAD and 2 AD’s; FORESTOOT.local as the source and TARGET.local is still the target AD forest. There […]

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Managing Hyper-V Standalone with OSX

Hyper-V server is the free virtualization OS from Microsoft to compete head to head with the free ESXi OS. When running in large farms or domain joined, Hyper-V seems to work pretty decently. But when you just want a single host that you manage with Windows 10, or let alone MacOS, Hyper-V can become a […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – part 2

In our previous post we explored the backend of Azure AD Connect and what happens in multi-forest scenarios. In this post we will be looking into the ADMT migration and the effects on the cloud accounts. The FORESTROOT domain has a user (smith@azureinfra.com) which has been assigned a full E5 license to Office 365. The […]

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ImmutableID – mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid – AADConnect – ADMT – new series

My posts on the ImmutableID seem to continue attraction from all over the world, and thus, let’s continue the fun. In a new series of posts we will be looking at the influence of the ImmutableID and Cross-Forest Anchor (name given by me, not sure if it is the actual name for it) in an […]

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USG VPN’s and Dynamic IP’s

Running a Unifi USG gateway does have its challenges every now and then. One of my friends asked me how I would solve the problem of dynamic IP addresses being used in a S2S VPN configuration. Now normally, when you look at the USG documentation, if the S2S is managed by a single USG controller […]

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High-Available Architectures and SLA impact

Basis of SLA’s An SLA is an agreement on service availability, performance and responsiveness. In this paper, only the availability SLA part is addressed. When indicating SLA’s however in this document, we are talking about the Minimum time a service or component needs to be available, or the maximum time allowed to be down. When […]

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Exclusive: Azure Gateway OpenVPN P2S profile creator

Since only a few days (and for the few that read this before the Ignite launch: in a few days) the Azure Virtual Network Gateway will support P2S connections based on OpenVPN. This means that the connections from all your clients to Azure networks becomes a whole lot easier. Connect with your phone, tablet, Mac […]

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Breaking the 1Gbps barrier with Synology and Windows 10

[Update: seems even a Surface Pro 6 with docking station is capable of using SMB multi-channel using 2 NIC’s.. if you use the onboard NIC on the docking station, but also the USB-Ethernet converter in the dock’s USB port, you can actually achieve 2Gbps speeds as well! And, with the upgrade to a 10Gb switch, […]

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