So, this topic might be a bit too short for you, and I’m sure your BGP filters in your SRX are way more advanced. But for the simpler people like me that just need to get something done; this one is for you. When I did the AnyCast DNS setup using BGP at home and […]
When deploying Active Directory, it has been a tradition to set the DNS IP addresses on clients to match the nearest Domain Controller to the clients. This means that every DHCP scope in the organization has to have different IP addresses for the name servers and administrators have to manually ensure everything is configured correctly. […]
When you have Azure Stack Development Kit deployed and in Routing mode (see earlier post). You can now also create S2S VPN connections to the tenants deployed inside Azure Stack. In my configuration I used BGP for the BGPNAT to advertise the newly assigned “external” IP addresses to my Juniper so that I don’t have […]
Pretty quietly Azure has released the option of using redundant VPN connections. In this case, the gateway in Azure actually gets 2 external IP addresses that our on-premises Firewall can connect to. In this chapter, a small update on the Juniper SRX, BGP to Azure post. So that after following this guide, you can actually […]
Ever since playing with BGP I was looking for a way to make redundant tunnels. As the local internet provider here would only allow me a single IP address, I looked at the other side. What if we have two Azure regions that have a VPN tunnel to my SRX and between each other. Routing would be dealt with by BGP and thus, I should be able to connect to both VNET’s through each of the VPN tunnels.
Hosting applications in Azure usually requires some form of connection to the on-premises networks. You could use Point-to-Site dialup or ExpressRoute, but Site-2-Site VPN’s seems the most use technology, and certainly is cheaper than ExpressRoute connection.
But what if you want to use multiple links for failover? What if your local firewall fails or the internet connection itself? Well, that’s why Azure supports MultiSite VPN’s. While it is capable of having two tunnels from on-premises to Azure with preferences, there is no automatic failover support. That means that if tunnel 1 goes down, tunnel 2 is NOT automatically activated. You need to disable tunnel 1 in Azure itself and only THEN tunnel 2 comes up. Which is annoying, but there is another way to fully automate this.. BGP, Border Gateway Protocol.