Tag: Azure

WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP – Builing your Image (I)

In this post we will build our own image to be used with WVD. Apart from using the Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps by using Remote Desktop Services guide to install Office 365, we will also install Teams (optimized for WVD), Visual Studio Code, set some preferences and copy those to the default profile before optimizing […]

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In all our previous posts we had the user sign-up flow take control of the actual creation of the user in Azure AD. The problem with that flow is that if we want to add the user to a group or perform other functions on it (like adding additional attributes) we would have to reply […]

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In the previous two posts I explained how to connect External Identities to a Logic App. This allows us to define advanced workflows for signing up external users. The power of Logic Apps is virtually unlimited and the built-in connectors can help us with lots of things. I created a logic app that adds the […]

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First of all, I have a confession to make: I’m not a developer to the extend that I cannot write an API from scratch or any other application that isn’t based on pure PowerShell or VBS scripting. Which means integrating an API into External Identities is going to be a challenge for me. I wish […]

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Azure AD – External Identities (I)

Let’s say you have an application that you want your vendors to access. If this application is Azure AD joined you could create a separate account, you could invite them as a guest using their email address, you can even add their domain name as a connected organization, or you could use external identities. That […]

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Windows Virtual Desktop – Tips and Tricks – Publishing RDP

When you have your pool up and running, you might want to do some special stuff. For example, you might want to enable Mic + WebCam redirection: Set-RdsHostPool -TenantName <tenantName> -Name <hostpoolName> -CustomRdpProperty “audiocapturemode:i:1;camerastoredirect:s:*;” And there are a lot more options you can enable / disable check: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/rdp-files?context=/azure/virtual-desktop/context/context For example, disabling Copy/Paste and Printers, so […]

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Windows Virtual Desktop – Firewalls

When you deploy a new Pool, the VM’s in that pool will need access to some URLs and internal IP’s for the deployment to complete. First, the VM’s will be joined to your domain, meaning they will need the standard ports open to the domain controllers and DNS servers. Secondly, an agent is deployed that […]

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Windows Virtual Desktop – SSO

One the of most annoying things is passwords. And as you might know, Microsoft is on a quest to remove them: which includes you users access to WVD. But unfortunately this is only possible in certain architectures where you have your users authenticate to AAD using ADFS, have a backend (Windows 2008 or higher) PKI […]

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Windows Virtual Desktop – Expanding and renewing

Once you have your running WVD environment based on a template, you might run into the issue where you either need to expand your pool, or you need to update the running VM’s with new software based on a new or improved template. We’ve already discussed how to bring back your pre-Sysprepped image so you […]

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Windows Virtual Desktop – AutoDeploy FSLogix

When you want to use the default images without too much alterations (because you only need to publish simple applications or just a desktop/browser/etc), you still might want to use the FSLogix profile manager. This post describes the installation of the agent in an automated way so quick deployment of marketplace images is now possible. […]

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